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IT Mediator

The IT mediator must be able to explain complicated technical concepts and situations in a way that is accessible to both technical and non-technical persons.

My speciality is to impart technical knowledge to persons outside the technical inner circle - that is users, people from the business side including executives. I am a highly valued trainer and very experienced with both oral and written presentations.

Devil #4: A Scorned Bride

Problem: You have and advanced solution to offer your customers, but have trouble presenting it in a clear and understandable form.

Help: I secure the dowry, by providing sales support when selling advanced technical IT-based solutions

Result: You have the necessary technical support during the sales process from a technician that plays with the sales force, not against.

Devil #5: An Unknown Miracle

Problem: You have the right solutions, but lack attention from customers and partners.

Help: I will beat the drum for branding and product marketing of advanced technical IT-based solutions 

Result: Your company and your products becomes better known and respected amongst customers and partners.


Devil #6: A Gigantic Maze

Problem: You want to bid on a complex project, or you want to get bids for a project of your own, but lack deep technical knowledge and sharpness in the process.

Help: I solve the puzzle, and help with construction or answer to bids

Result: You get the full picture, and control of the technical questions and answers, and guarantee of correctness.


Devil #7: Secret Rites

Problem: You have a fantastic solution, but noone has the inclination, time or skills to describe it.

Help: I wield the pen and create necessary documentation of all kinds (manuals, users guides, presentations, translations)

Result: Your systems and methods are documented, so your employees and customers can better utilize your products.


Devil #8: Apprentice Without Mage

Problem: You need to make your systems or solutions known to customers, partners and users.

Help: I am the sage that can help plan and execute training, mentoring, quality assurance and inspiration to persons and projects

Result: You lift the knowledge level amongst your customers, partners and users, so they can better utilize your products.